Thursday, 11 April 2013

#No22 - Visit to film set- complete!!

On Wednesday, 10 April I completed another one of my 30 things. For my 30th birthday my family purchased two tickets for me to go to the Harry Potter studio tour in Watford As they know how much of an Harry Potter fan I am. It did not take me long to recruit some fellow potter enthusiasts and we began our adventure in search of Harry Potter world! Thank you Lorraine, Shane, Seana and Mum for coming!

What I discovered there was beyond my wildest dreams. The whole tour encapsulated all the magic and wonder of the seven Harry Potter books and eight films. I was truly in awe. From the sets of the Weasly Burrow to the Great Hall at Hogwarts every turn was draw dropping. They told us in detail how each and every film was made revealing trade secrets and the magic behind the films. I love how all the books in the Hogwarts library were actually telephone directories covered over and How they use computer animations to create spectacular effects.

During the tour we had our own wand training and learnt the different positions fore wand combat. You get to sit inside Hagrid's motorbike and sidecar and the Weasleys car; stand on the Knight bus and enjoy a Scrumptious glass of butter beer! However my favourite moment was when I turned a corner to find myself looking up Diagon Alley itself! It literally took my breath away. It was just so real And I was desperate, oh so desperate, to go in to the shops and buy something. Just when you think it can possibly get any better you turn another corner and discover a large model of Hogwarts itself- It was beautiful. Sadly I found the whole experience quite emotional and felt rather sad to be leaving at the end.

I cannot emphasise enough how this is a must visit for any Potter fan, You will not be disappointed. As JK Rowling said 'No story lives unless someone listens' and I will never get bored of the story of Harry Potter.

Please enjoy some my favourite photos from the day.

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