Some people love their birthday, whilst others hate the annual event of becoming a year older. I am on the fence, mostly because my birthday falls 10 days after Christmas and after all the festive fun and New Year celebrations, my birthday just passes me by. However, this year is different. This year I turn 30. Up to very recently, the thought of turning 30 filled me with dread: here I am 30 years old, not married, no children and no sign of that happening any time soon. Not for want of trying, however things happen for a reason and this was not to be -yet. Thankfully, I was reminded by my wonderful work colleagues that you don’t have to be settled down by the time your 30 and that I should still continue having the fun and adventures my twenties provided. So from this #30things was born. Actually it was the idea of my fabulous deputy and friend Erika (@EBiddlecombe) and I thank her so much for sowing this wonderful inspirational seed as I now look to my thirtieth with eagerness and anticipation to start my challenges. I have always loved setting myself challenges and goals and as you read later, my twenties have been full of them. It almost seems fitting to start my thirties in a way that has really defined my twenties.
Our school’s mission statement is ‘Loving learning, Loving Life, Loving God’s World’ and I have always felt it encapsulates how I live my own life. I love learning. As a teacher I will always be learning and seeking to improve my practice however before I entered the profession, I was actively discovering things about the world and learning something new.
I also love life. Many people that know me will tell you I am a cup half full type of person who always sees the positives and potential in things. So far in my 30 years I have jumped out of an aeroplane; paraglidedoff a rather large mountain, scubadived on wrecks; stood on Ayers Rock (a life long dream); watched football at 25 different UK football stadiums; performed on stage; sang on radio; ran 10k; ran a mile dressed as Santa; walked half a marathon at midnight; eaten a witchety grub; slept under the stars; tried to surf; slept on the HMS Belfast; been to countless musicals, concerts and festivals.... and this only scratches the surface and yet there is still more to do! Thank you to all the wonderful people who have shared these adventures with me.
I love the world. Ever since I can remember I have always been obsessed with the world and the wonderful people and places that it holds. As a child, I would plan and draw the routes I would take on my round the world voyage in the family atlas. I studied Geography at University furthering my obsession with this wonderful planet and extended it further when I worked for an environmental consultancy aiming to protect it. Caring for my fellow man and our environment is something I hold close to my heart and through sponsored challenges and educating children I endeavour to support and spread this message. For me the 30 things will encompass these 3 areas and through them I will show a love of learning, life and God’s world as well as having a lot of fun and remind myself that 30 isn’t all that bad.
So over the last few weeks I have been asking friends, family, the Twitter world for challenges that I could complete in the year after I turn 30 – 30 things for when I am 30. So far the responses have been interesting and the challenges range from the easy to downright bonkers, however I wouldn’t expect anything less!(The list as it stands to be posted soon!) On my actual birthday (4th January) I will select the 30 from the list and the challenge begins. Of course I will update this blog with my progress through pictures and testimonials and I hope you find it entertaining and maybe slightly inspirational reminding us all that life is for living.
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